How to Repurpose Content for Your Social Media

How to Repurpose Content for Your Social Media

It can be a real challenge for many content creators out there to come up with new and fresh ideas every day. I feel you. With the constant pressure to keep up with the latest trends and algorithms, it’s no wonder that many content creators find themselves feeling burnt out and uninspired. Don’t panic! What […]

5 Ways to Find Content Ideas For Social Media

Find Content Ideas For Social Media

It’s important to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more on your social media. The best way to do this is by creating new content that they will find useful, entertaining, or otherwise valuable. Find the right content ideas for your Social Media. Many Social Media Marketers or content creators out there get […]

How to Create Brand Story to Improve your Brand

How to Tell Your Brand Story

Most iconic brands use the power of storytelling of their brands to build connections and trust with their audiences. Their stories can be varied, they can start with why they decided to enter this industry, or how they turned a passion project into a business. These narratives are wrapped together to create brand story to […]

Alasan mengapa konten visual itu penting untuk brand?

Kenapa konten visual itu penting

Sebelum membahas lebih dalam alasan konten visual penting untuk sebuah brand, coba perhatikan foto dibawah ini, apakah informasi yang disajikan menarik? Kemudian bandingkan dengan foto yang satu ini! Apakah informasi yang kamu dapat pada foto kedua lebih menarik? Atau malah bingung harus fokus pada informasi yg ditulis? Sampai disini sepertinya kamu sudah sedikit menyadari konten […]