5 Canva design mistakes to do it no more

Canva Design mistake to avoid

Currently, Canva become the star and people’s favorite platform to create graphic design, especially for DIY designers and small business owners. Why not? Canva is extremely friendly to beginners, easy to use, and has free access to many cool features inside. Canva is a great tool to create your design needs, especially for any small […]

7 Tips for choosing your business name

Tips for choosing business name

If you just want to launch a business, then finding the perfect name for your business is one of the essential things to consider. Naming your business is not only thinking of a name you like. A good name will reflect your business’s identity and surely have a significant impact on your success. Probably you’re […]

This is how you stand out in a saturated market

This is how you stand out in saturated market

Knowing how to struggle and sell in a saturated market is important for any business and it can help your business stand out from the competition. What is the saturated market? A saturated market occurs when existing businesses meet all the current demand for a product or service. It happens when several businesses offer the […]